
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Difficult Post

This has been a very difficult post to put together. Two days ago I learned that my best friends' mother passed away. Beth Hodge was not just another sister in the ward growing up. She was another mother to me. Mike Hodge and I would spend the night at each others homes, camp together and generally hang out. Beth would truck us to and from seminary at 5:30 in the morning, get meals ready for our camping trips as scouts, purchase our badges and keep track of our paperwork at the scout office and she was even my bus driver during my first two years of high school. I had the opportunity to see her while I was in Austin a couple of weeks ago and talk about old times as well as tell her that I loved her. It was not a very long visit because it was getting late and I could tell that she was tired. She has suffered sever illnesses in the last few years and passed on due to those complications. She will always be a role model to me in her spirituality, service and of course will always be one of my "Other Mothers". She will be greatly missed but I am so happy that she is with her Heavenly Father and husband again.


Kris said...

Aren't we so grateful for all of our "Other Mothers" that we have in this life? I know I am.

Lee and Sharon said...

Sad times like this bring us back to reality and what we believe in. Day after day we take life for granted until someone we love is taken from us.

By the way - Happy Birthday. I didn't forget. It really was on my calendar but have been so busy lately.

Kaye said...

That was a sweet entry about Beth - she was loved her and I'm sure she's loved there too.