
Saturday, December 19, 2009


In response to my brothers post HERE I am posting the following:

I know mom knows us both well and understands that you (Daniel) are emotionally fragile. She works hard to protect your tender feelings and takes every precaution not to make you feel less than you should. She sent you the ornament to make you feel good. In spite of this we all know that mom loves me more and therefor sent me the same ornament.
She didn't want you to feel bad so she sent you one too. I am sorry to be the one to break the bad news to you be we all know you are mentally imbalanced (As evidenced by your recent post about IV's) and you are not the favorite. If you would like to go on believing that then that is fine but I am posting this so that the rest of the world knows... I am moms favorite.


Tamara said...

Silly boys - everyone knows if mom is on the phone with Maegan, she doesn't get off for y'all. :)

Dan said...

T is right. Maegan is the favorite. We have just been played. But this is not the end Ben...

Maegan said...

haha! everyone is so funny tonight! i've read your blog and daniel's blog and i've just laughed forever! and for the record, i have called mom multiple times and she hasn't answered. when i talk to her later she tells me she was on the phone with one of you. but i do have one of those ornaments also...